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Illuminate Your Yard With Outdoor Lighting


Trends in Outdoor Lighting

Who doesn’t want to have the most beautifully landscaped yard?  Even better who doesn’t want to have the most beautifully landscaped yard they can enjoy at night thanks to outdoor lighting?  Most of us 9 to 5er’s don’t get the chance to enjoy our outdoor space during the day.  Who wants to anyway; it’s way too hot to enjoy with that sun beating down.  I don’t care how many umbrella’s you have for shade.  Just think about it.  You’re driving home, in the heart of rush hour traffic, day dreaming about relaxing in your Zen like outdoor space filled with just the right ambient lighting.  The right outdoor lighting can make your yard pop with style.  It can set the mood as well as highlight points of interest such as sculptures, fountains and outline the perimeter of your property.  These features can set you apart from the rest.  The trend in outdoor lighting is light-emitting diodes or LED lights because they are great for effect, style and design in that they don’t emit a huge amount of light.  If your purpose is to light a walkway or doorway for safety and functionality reasons, you want to use a reflector light which is meant to cast a lot of light.  The difference between the LED lights and reflector lights is the amount of energy they use.  LED lights use one watt while reflector lights use 35 watts.

When deciding where you want to put your lights there are some things to remember.  Be careful when mounting near plants.  Driving nails or screws into a growing tree or plant can damage and disrupt its growth.  You don’t want to kill a tree just to enjoy your space at night.  The best thing to use when mounting any fixture to a tree is a strap device.  The clip on the device gives you the flexibility to adjust it when the tree grows.  Another option to highlight the greenery in your yard is in-ground lightning which can be as easy as putting a stake in the ground with a light attached to it. You can also choose the more advanced way of digging a hole, inserting a lamp and wiring the outdoor lighting system, which is truly a job for a professional electrician like Patrick McCauley.

Outdoor lighting will give your yard whimsical personality with artisan lamps strategically placed within the design of the landscape.  To showcase a sparkling fountain, a spotlight for a more dramatic approach is in order.  Why not light up your pool area with underwater lighting in the pool and line the deck with the soft romantic ambiance that sheer globe lights exude.  With the many options in outdoor lighting you can personalize your yard by illuminating your space to enjoy at night.  Call McCauley Electric for a free Quote today!