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Professional Home Theater Installation


Move the Big Game Party to Your Place with Professional Home Theater Installation

If you’ve ever seen a professional home theater installation, you can probably imagine how great the last few weeks have been for sports fans. Football playoffs, bowl games, and championships have been rolling by; basketball season is starting to heat up; and the Big Game is just around the corner.  Although we all can’t make it to the stadium or arena, many of us enjoy going out to enjoy these events at sports bars and restaurants.  But over a long season, stepping out to root for the home team can become something of a hassle:  driving and finding parking, the noise of a crowded room, the costs of dining and drinking out.  Don’t get me wrong, hanging out with friends to catch a game is a lot of fun but don’t you sometimes wish you could do so at your own home?  Maybe throw a Big Game party without all the costs and annoyances of going out?  But what will entice your friends into joining you, over the big screens at the bar and grill?  A home theater installation is the answer.

We’ve seen the costs of great home theater systems drop significantly over the last few years.  Large-screen televisions with incredible resolution are no longer out of reach for most.  Likewise, the price of sound systems have also come down, offering high quality audio in your home.

If you’ve been able to purchase home theater electronics recently (or better yet, received some during the holidays) you owe it to yourself and your future guests to consider a professional home theater installation.  I can save you the time and worry of setting up multiple devices, including finding the right spots for the best picture and sound, running and hiding any wiring, and configuring the devices.  You also won’t have to worry if your system is set up to maximize safety, efficiency, and enjoyment.

A room’s lighting also goes a long way to enhance a viewing experience.  If the lights are too bright or in the wrong places, glare on the screen can ruin anything you watch.  I can help you avoid these problems during your home theater installation.  This might also be the time to upgrade your living room or media room with new or improved lighting to create a perfect balance between the room’s illumination and your television.  If so, there’s no better time than during a home theater installation.

If you’d like to watch the Big Game and other sporting events in the more personal atmosphere of your own home, a professional home theater installation sounds right for you.  McCauley Electric Service can help with component set-up as well as lighting solutions.  Give us a call at (678) 324-3117.  We’re ready to help you get your family and friends to your house for the next big game!